4.17 RCTs for Cancer Drug Approval with Dr. Saroj Niraula & Myeloma Studies with Dr. Manni Mohyuddin

We have two oncology conversations for you today. The first is with Dr. Saroj Niraula of the University of Manitoba, and together we discuss the necessity of randomized controlled trials for granting FDA approval of cancer drugs. The second is with Dr. Ghulam Rehman "Manni" Mohyuddin of the University of Utah on a variety of myeloma studies, including LIGHTHOUSE, OCEANS, and HORIZON.


4.18 Dementia Interventions, Skills for Epidemiologists, & Aducanumab with Dr. Maria Glymour


4.16 Treating Lymphoma, Histiocytic Disorders, Learning by Teaching, & More! with Dr. Bita Fakhri