Medicine, Oncology, & Health Policy
Plenary Session is hosted by Vinay Prasad MD MPH, a practicing hematologist-oncologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco. He studies cancer drugs, health policy, clinical trials and better decision making. He is author of over 250 academic articles, and the books Ending Medical Reversal (2015), and Malignant (2020).
He tweets @VPrasadMDMPH.
Disclosures. (Research funding) Arnold Ventures (Royalties) Johns Hopkins Press, Medscape, MedPage (Consulting) UnitedHealtcare. (Speaking fees) Evicore. New Century Health (Other) Plenary Session podcast has Patreon backers.
Pragmatic vs Ideal, Surrogate vs. Hard Endpoints; Time it takes; Ethics; Control arms; Purpose; I cover it all here.